llegue al agua!
¡No dejes que
Nuestro Planeta
Nuestros Recursos
Ayúdanos a conservar

Our mission is

To be an organization that carries out and promotes sustainable development projects of an environmental, economic, and social nature in Guatemala.

About US

Biosferagt is an organization made up of professionals in biological, agronomic, and social sciences that works in research, training, and environmental education, promoting projects in the communities of Guatemala. It works in partnership with other entities that share the goals of improving conservation and sustainable development in Guatemala. 

Our vision is

To work for the development and sustainable use of our natural and cultural heritage through research and work focused on pollution prevention, quality of life improvement, and support for our communities.

Want to volunteer?

Do your part to improve our planet

Help us in our environmental education campaigns aimed at educating our families and in our environmental cleanup actions. Join the effort!"


Our Recent Projects


Training for sustainable development

We are constantly growing professionally through training on various topics, but also in the transmission...
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New alliance with RECICLALOS

We are allies of the WWF's Recíclalos program, supporting plastic collection in...
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Plastic waste transformation

Our plastic transformation project aims to use processes that allow us to provide solutions to the large amount of...
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In San Antonio Las Flores Chinautla

Join us in the cleanup campaigns of urban areas and the river. Contact us.

Urban Gardens

Support our training sessions and the development of urban gardens in Chinautla. Contact us.

Envriromental Education

Contribute to the environmental education of the urban areas of Guatemala and Chinautla. Contact us.

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